Grow Tent Cheat Sheet: The Perfect Setup for Growing Indoors

GrowDaddy's cheat sheet for the perfect grow tent setup.

Grow tents are perfect for growing year-round indoors: They keep things contained and clean, they help keep out pests, and are energy efficient. Grow tents have reflective walls to concentrate the light on your plants, and also help control air flow, climate, and odour.

Here's What You Need:

1. Grow Tent 

These come in different sizes to fit your space, and different options to suit your growing needs. You will want a solid tent from a reputable brand, such as any of the brands carried on, because you will want a tent with a frame strong enough to hold your LED grow light and any other equipment. 


- See all Grow Tents (

- See all Tent + LED Light kits (


2. Grow Light 

LED Grow Lights are very popular and effective, and they come in all sizes to fit your tent. Use a timer to manage the on/off time on your plants.


- See all LED Grow Lights (

- See all Light Hangers (


3. Ventilation

Exhaust fans and ducting allow you manage the temperature and air flow inside your tent.

Related: Fan & Filter Kits (

4. Carbon Filters

This is how you manage odour from your plants. Carbon Filters come in various sizes to fit your exhaust fan.

Related: Filters & pre-filters (

5. Thermometer / Hygrometer

This allows you to monitor the climate inside your grow tent. This ensures that your plants have the optimal environment for growth.

Related: Large display digital thermometer & hygrometer (


6. Circulation Fans

This kind of fan is to simulate wind on your plants' leaves and stems. This encourages proper plant development and stronger stems.


- Clip fans (

- Wall mount fans (


Getting Started:

1. Choose Your Grow Medium

A high quality soil is ideal for organic growers who want a simple process, and it's also a favourite of newer growers.

Related: See all grow mediums (


2. Coco Coir / Pro-Mix 

Coir or Pro-Mix is preferred by growers who want to control their plants' nutrition a bit more. These contain little to no nutrients, allowing you to closely control your plant's nutrient intake.


- See all coco coir (

- See all Pro-Mix (


3. Water Culture / Hydroponic Systems

For growers who want exact precision, this is the way to go. This method requires careful monitoring, and allows for precise control of nutrition, water temperature, and bacteria control.

Related: View all hydroponic systems (


Caring For Your Plants:

1. Keep It Clean - Care for your plant by removing dead leaves and run off, and you also might want to sterilize your tent in between crops. This can help prevent issues with bugs and stale water.

2. Pest Management - Taking preventative measures, like spraying your plants weekly, helps to remove pests and keep them out.

3. Water Issues - Overwatering is common by new growers, so it's important to find the right balance and follow the instructions that come with your grow medium. You can also use tools like the BlueLab PH Pen to test the levels in your soil and water.


Climate Control:

1. Temperature Control - Because grow lights give off heat, it is recommended that you use ventilate your grow tent with a fan. Your fan should be equipped with a fan speed controller as well. The air can be ventilated in the same room, or out of a window or door, and a carbon filter will remove the smell of the ventilated air.

Related: See all Temperature Controllers (

2. Humidity Control - Dehumidifiers and humidifiers allow growers to achieve perfect climate levels in their tents. When growers have many plants, which all naturally release moisture into the air, Dehumidifiers prevent humidity from reaching a point where mold can grow. While humidifiers are for growers who need a more moist environment to encourage plant growth - an issue common in the winter, or with growers with a small number of plants.

Related: See all Humidity Controllers (



Optimal Environment Levels:

Here are the recommended levels for most indoor growers, which you can control with a Thermometer/Hygrometer:

Humidity: 50-60% for germinating, 40-50% for flowering

Temperature: 22 to 24 degrees Celsius (72-80 Farenheight)

Related:See all hygrometers / thermometers (